Monday, March 22, 2010

Engineers try to be clever

There is so much that bothers me about the “cocky-ness” of engineers. Ha ha see what I did there. That was clever. Recently I have had the opportunity to get to know some engineers and realize that they try to be clever but cannot.

Example 1: Making a musical about artsies. It is one thing to make a distinction between those in humanities and those in engineering. Just because we dont have CAPA, or math tests or 3 hour labs dont mean that we dont have the same amount of work to do. We have essays, research papers and projects. All nof these can not be done in the comfort of our home in front of the computer. We actually get out into the real world and make observations and do research.

Example 2: Calling the artsies “spatulas” because they believe that their degree is more useful then ours. Well first of all, there are many jobs that you can get with a degree in humanities such as a lawyer to bail those engineers out who built a faulty bridge. And you know what maybe some people enjoy working in restaurants. Without us how are planning to eat? Who the hell is going to make you diner when you are too lazy to figure out how to do it on your own?

Example 3: Engineers should not try and take something that is predominantly a hummer thing and make it their own and mock the original. Take the engineering musicals that have been put on. The lack of dancers in engineering is obvious when every single dance uses the box step to fill up space. Not saying that there isn’t some actual talent in these things because there is, its just that it also lacks some.  And creating a song called “If I were an Artsy” is not clever at all as you had to take a premade tune and put non-rhyming lyrics to it.

All in all, engineers need to bring their heads back down from the clouds and realize that they are not so high and mighty. And that they are just looking for a way to fit in.

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